I have to admit, at first I laughed at the offer Hillary and Bill Clinton made to Barack Obama the other day. But I'm not laughing any more. The offer was for Barack to be Hillary's Vice President. On the surface it does seem laughable, even Barack himself poked fun at the notion. After all, Obama's leading in the delegate count, leading in the popular vote, and looks poised to easily win the nomination. Even the betting on Barack getting the nod is approaching 3 to 1 odds in his favor. But I, like nearly everyone else, mistook their offer. It wasn't so much an offer, as a threat.
There's a good reason I didn't see the V.P. offer for what it was, it's because
even I didn't think Hillary would be so bold, such a traitor to her own party. What Hillary is planning is to "scorch the earth", leaving no survivors. A plan that works on one bitter notion; If she can't be President...then neither will Barack. Would Hillary be so bitter about her loss as to hand the election over to McCain? I believe the answer is "Yes." Remember, Hillary and Bill have been planning this out since the day they left the White House and the stakes couldn't be higher. Bill needs to
reseal those Presidential archives and assure the public will never see the correspondence between himself and Hillary. Would she now except a McCain Presidency she can deal with verses a defiant Barack who wants nothing to do with her? Absolutely. And the proof is right in front of us. Democrats, if you want to see the true Hillary and save your party's chances in November, pay attention.
Most black politicians have learned how to manipulate other black people for personal gain. Take for example Kwame Kilpatrick, the mayor of Detroit. Under fire for his text messaging love affair, Kwame has astutely judged that his best defense is right out of the black politician play book.
He makes references to being "lynched" by the media, being called a"nigger", and claims repeated death threats, presumably by racist white people, all in an effort to unify black people behind him. This is all pat black politics and nothing new. He doesn't get the white vote and doesn't care, black people will keep him in.
Obama on the other hand is unique. He understands white people. Barack knows that white people want to be seen as free from their prejudices of the past and so far he has capitalized well on it. But white people have a rule for their black politicians, you have to represent all people, not just black people. Any hint of black issues being at the forefront and white people run right back to their white politicians. Hillary understands this too and has tried desperately to get Barack talking race. She brought out the
Madrassa story, she put out the
picture of Barack in Muslim garb, she pushed the stories on
Barack's church, all in an effort to get Barack talking more like a black politician and less like a people's candidate. She used her surrogates so that she would seem above the fray and could deny being involved. But still, Obama wouldn't bite.
However, it did do one thing rather well. It pushed white males closer to McCain. (
Witness Barack's shrinking lead) There was a moment when Hillary thought it was going to all come together though, when Ohio, Rhode Island, and Texas moved to her column. But it was too little too late and Wyoming and then Mississippi went for Barack. Frustrated, angry, and bitterly aware of her dim chances, Hillary no longer cares if it destroys her party. She only want Barack to pay for stealing the election. An election she feels is hers by virtue of her last name. An election that was supposed to secure her place in history. As a last ditch effort she made the pitch to Barack to be her V.P.. The message was clear once you see it for what it was; take the V.P. slot or I'll batter you with race all the way to the convention. You may still win the nomination, but I'll run off so many white males you'll go right back to your Senate seat in the main election.
Such is the character of Hillary.
Once she saw that her proposal was refused, she used Geraldine Ferraro, an ex-V.P. nominee herself and a Clinton supporter, to do her dirty work. Ms. Ferraro, apparently as immoral as Ms.Clinton, made a
blatantly stupid and unsolicited comment about Barack only making it this far because he's black. (As if that's some kind of advantage) She even claimed that a woman of any color wouldn't get that advantage, despite the fact that if Barack wasn't in the game, it would have, without a doubt, been Hillary nominated. After her statement, Ms. Ferraro waited with baited breath for Barack's reply. As soon as he did she went in to a totally unjustified tirade about Barack's camp claiming racism every time he's challenged. This is totally false! If anything, Barack has gone out of his way to avoid that tack. Check out his answers to the Joseph Biden's "
articulate comment", Paul Cunningham's comments, or even
Ferraro's comments. He knows the game. But that hasn't stopped Geraldine from flooding the press with interviews.
Folks this is just the beginning. They will keep this up until Barack is unelectable. I myself am an Independent and not usually concerned with the inner politics of the Democrats, but I deplore this kind of politics. If you Democrats want any chance of winning this fall you had better step up to the plate and call out Hillary for this shameful act. White males; Do not allow yourself to be manipulated by this kind of divisive, shameful, politics. Barack Obama has stayed above using race. If you expect him to stand up for you, you have to stand up for him. If you don't like Barack for his stand on issues or if you just don't like him....so be it. But don't let Hillary push this race over to the Republicans just because she's good at using race and gender to divide for her own selfish reasons. H.C.