Saturday, April 5, 2008


As unbelievable as it may seem, someone actually thought it would be a good idea to give me my very own Internet radio show. What the heck were they thinking? I decided to call it "My Wicked Garden" after one of my favorite Stone Temple Pilot songs, and because I love gardening metaphors. I will be recording it live, with call-ins, at (724) 444-7444 caller ID #16636 (they'll ask you for it when they answer), every Wednesday from 5:00 to 6:00pm. It's going to reflect my love for hard rock groups (like STP), my unique (and some say strange) sense of humor, and my never-ending quest to reveal the deceitful nature of our mainstream media . I will be using clips, information, musical performances, and guests to keep it all interesting while making sure the show is still light and fun. My friends over at Studio 1714 have been working hard to create a top-notch studio to record our shows along with a new website, to promote them. This, I believe, is the future of radio. With the growth of Internet content and it's availability to Ipods, it's only a matter of time before all our car radios, T.V.s, and other media sources will be plugged into the Internet full time. Soon you will be listening to shows, selected by you, anytime you want to. I believe this will create a diversity of opinions that is less controlled by media moguls, and I intend to be part of that future.

My show will have several goals;
First and foremost, it must be entertaining.
Secondly, it must be informative and honest.
And Finally, it will hinge on the input of you, the listener.

Our main objective is going to be to expose lies and deceit. If you hear something being promoted by the mainstream media that you don't feel is accurate, give me a call. If you feel a group is not being portrayed fairly by someone, give me a call. If you feel a story isn't being reported enough, give me a call. If you just want to talk to me in person, give me a call.

Since that fateful day nearly two years ago when I first started writing this blog, I have met a lot of intelligent and diverse people. Andre and his friends have helped me to better understand the views of black people. Nic has helped me to understand the views of liberal young people, and the rest of you have all contributed in ways that I'm positive have helped me become a better pundit and person. For that, I thank you all.

But the war is far from over. Our two-party system is now working overtime to separate us by gender, by race, by class, and by political affiliation. The lobbyists and special interest groups have succeeded in putting all of their interests ahead of the interests of the people. Our tax dollars and Congressional efforts are being funneled off to support a war between two dynasties; the Bushes and the Clintons. Partisanship has reached new heights and the true needs of the people have been all but ignored. All of us want safe streets for our children, honest government, fair justice and an opportunity to advance ourselves. Our similarities far outweigh our differences and that is what they don't want you to consider. The best way I can think of to defend ourselves is to destroy their base, the people who vote for every issue or person based not on it's merit, but on it's party. By creating a strong middle ground of independent thinkers, we can tackle the things that should be the most important. I have yet to meet a single person that thinks it's acceptable for the U.S. to have children dying of some horrible disease simply because they were born to poor parents, yet, here we are. If we stay focused, and we have a forum, we can force the far left and the far right into impotence. This is my main goal.

But I can't do it alone.

Let's change Wednesdays from "hump day" to gardening day. Join me in "My Wicked Garden" as I rip up the weeds of deceit and lies. Help me plant the seeds of independent thought. Let's all become gardeners of something worth growing and create a country that we can all be proud of. (I told you I love gardening metaphors.) Let's remind politicians that they work for us, not the other way around. I'm out here every week spending my time and effort to do my part to change things. I'm hoping all of you will too. You can do this easily by investing a couple of moments once a week by going to and clicking on the "My Wicked Garden" logo to listen to my show either live, or through the archives. It can't grow into a good show without your help. It's your ideas and input that has inspired nearly all the pieces I've done. Without you....I'm empty of inspiration. Let's stand up and scare the hell out the people that think they have beaten us into complacency. Remember my creed; All evil needs to for good people to do nothing. H.C.


Andre said...

Maybe now we'll get to test your theory about how any wackjob with a radio show can control the entire universe.

Of course: I'm not calling you a wackjob. Or am I...?

The H.C. said...

Lol Dre,
I guess that remains to be seen. I hope you know I'm counting on you and your friends to keep me in line. I doubt very much I'll ever "control the entire universe", but I would be quite happy to have a healthy portion of Bill or Rush's universe and send them down a kinder and gentler path.

lime said...

well congratulations. hope i can make it when it's live. (yeah i am still old school and like my stuff like this live)

The H.C. said...

Hey Lime,
Thanks. I'm going to be commenting on Pennsylvania's role in the upcoming call in if you get the chance :)