Sunday, June 3, 2007


Should we or shouldn't we legalize the estimated 10 million illegal Mexicans that are now living in the United States? That's the question that is being debated in our Congress as we speak. One thing, however, that is being left out of the Fight for Hispanic Votes by both the Democrats and the Republicans is how legalizing those millions of potential voters will affect the power and influence of black Americans. From access to Social Programs to the future of the Black Caucus, it's worth everyone's time to take a look at how the influx of all those voters will affect the political climate for the next decade if not the next few. There's one thing that I'm certain of; it can't bode well for the Black Power Structure in Washington or the poor segment of the black community.

In the rush to find a way to legalize all those illegal Hispanics, Dems have only been looking at the brass ring; getting those people voting Democrat. There's a good reason for the Dems to be drooling over legalizing these people, Hispanics vote overwelmingly Democratic. A quick influx of millions of Hispanics voting Democrat could guarantee them controlling the House, Senate, and maybe even the Presidency for years to come. If this should mean pushing the African American community into the back seat, so be it. They'll benefit from a Democrat controlled government more than they would under Republicans anyway. I have serious doubts as to whether or not this will be true.

The first thing we need to look at to get a clear picture of what's going on is the population trends in the U.S.. Hispanics have seen a surge in their percentage of the U.S. population over the past few years, going from 12.5% in 2000 to 14.5% in 2005. And that's only the Hispanics that are here legally or at least willing to have someone from the U.S. Census count them. Having had some experience in dealing with both legal and illegals from my time working at a Spanish-Speaking Center, I can tell you, they didn't count a large part. The most notable part of this trend is that they have now surpassed African Americans as the 'Majority Minority".

Oddly enough though, that hasn't as of yet translated into representation on par with their population percentages in the Halls of Congress. While the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) that was formed in 1969 has gone from 9 founding members to 43 members, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) langishes with only 21 members despite their being a larger segment of the U.S. population. This isn't lost on Hispanics who are seeing their chance to put more people in power and are pressuring both parties to back more Hispanic candidates or risk losing their support. The end result for Black candidates? Less support.

In fact, I view the amount of minority help given by the clear majority White Power Structure as a piece of the pie that is only so big and now must be divided between blacks and Hispanics when it used to be reserved almost exclusively for blacks. Social Programs that were directed by the CBC towards black poverty-stricken areas are now going to be fought over to help the huge infusion of Hispanics. Remember this; how did the Democratic Party win over blacks to their side? Civil Rights and Social Programs. How will they try to win the immigrant Hispanics, most of which live in far worse poverty than their black counterparts? By granting them Civil Rights (citizenship) and Social Programs. End result? Less money to help impoverished blacks.

And this isn't even the end of it for black people. When all those Hispanic immigrants get their citizenship, they won't need to work menial jobs in the shadows. They will get jobs at Fast Food establishments, in retail, and all the places that wouldn't, or couldn't hire them before. These are low end jobs that don't require education and they will fight for equal access to them and who will suffer the most for it? The poor and under-educated segment of the black community.
Now, as I've said before. I respect the Hispanic community. I've known them all my life and I've never seen harder working people. But it seems strange to me to watch black people faithfully following the Democratic Leadership as they fight to legalize all those people. Maybe no one has pointed it out to them, but I really think that black people, especially the CBC, should take a minute and think about who's job, who's programs, and who's community is going to suffer the most as the Democrats once again step on anyone to gain the absolute power that both parties crave. H.C.


Andre said...

When you and I had our brief conversation about this on campus, I wasn't sure how I -- as a Black American -- thought about this. But after I put some thought into it, I was amazed at how obvious my response should have been right then and there:

This Immigration debates have TONS to do the status of black folks in this country. Frankly, it's pretty unnerving for me to think about how this country's allowance/amnesty for illegal immigration will serve as a precursor to an even LOWER economic standard than what we're currently subjected to, far less political positioning, a serious undermining of any social status recognized through decades of struggle, a decreasing of social services (limited enough as they already are now), increases in incarceration rates, and other pretty easily foreseeable challenges. This is an issue of critical importance for black folks. Sadly though, while black 'leaders' are busy making a fuss over Imus, trying to censor Hip Hop, and defending crooks like William Jefferson, this issue won't even make it to the table.

Is it too late for me to give up on being black?!

The H.C. said...

Hey Dre,
Speaking for all white people (I am, after all, their Emperor) we would be honored to have you join us...we'll even swap Paris Hilton to get you.(A great trade for us.) Actually, you should just continue doing what you do and being who you are. When I first thought of this I was stunned no one has brought it up before, forward this post to a few of your friends and let me know what they think.

Andre said...

Hippie, though I don't approve of it, I understand exactly why the black community hasn't paid this story much attention. Actually, there are a couple of reasons; but one's more obvious than the other.

The obvious reason for a lack of attention is that the predominant black community, particularly the "leaders" typically focus on the wrong shit. But the less than obvious reason is that -- being a margainalized group ourselves -- we tend to sympathize with other margainalized groups without even entertaining the idea that doing so will most likely result in the diminishing of our already socially subservient status. Essentially, our piece of the pie; small as it; becomes even smaller.

The H.C. said...

Hey Dre,
My thoughts exactly. I could not have put it better.

Andre said...

Will, has it ever occured you to that most civil rights activists (at least the ones who aren't opportunists) don't view the "pie" as being white-owned?

Believe it or not, some people still believe that the 'system' is ostensibly committed to allowing the "American Dream" for people irrespective of their race. Simply put, minorities don't want to share pie with other groups. They want their own. It's the government, particularly those representing the social elitists who have the rest of us fighting and clawing each other for 'our piece'.

The H.C. said...

@ Will,
It's not the civil rights that are the pie I'm refering to. It's the monies that are devoted to targeted programs designed to help minorities. Also in a different "pie" is the monies that the Parties set aside to recruit minorities for election to office. Those are the pieces of pie that will be reduced for blacks in my opinion. I don't view Civil Rights as a pie. That's more a membership badge that should be given to any and all LEGAL Americans.
@ Andre,
I agree, Civil Rights are not "White Owned" they are God given and U.S. backed. (At least that's how I want it.)

heiresschild said...

hi hc, my family and i generate family emails dealing with different subjects, and this was this weeks topic. hence to say, i had to back out of the email subject after a day of intensified communication because the other members of my family seem to think it's ok for mexican immigrants, or any immigrants for that matter, to be here illegally because they're great workers and are willing to work for cheap. unfortunately, that's all they see.

i addressed concerns that andre mentioned and if my family could have come thru the computer and lynched me, they would have.

personally, i don't think there will ever be fairness or equality in this world between any races, and the white race will always think they're the dominant race (no offence to anyone).

looking at it in another manner, one could say as long as immigration is done legally, then all have a right to be here. however, it still goes back to andre's first statement here, where i'm in agreement, but it's going to happen sooner or later, and we're all going to have to deal with it, whether we like it or not, or agree with it or not. it's still good to have free voice in matters.

The H.C. said...

Hi Heiress,
Andre makes a lot of good points, that's one of the reasons I pay him to come to my site. (Joking, please don't ask me to pay) This is a very contentous subject and it's going to be argued long after any "solutions" are passed by our Congress. Thanks for your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Andre: It is an interesting convergence of ideas you present here:

"Believe it or not, some people still believe that the 'system' is ostensibly committed to allowing the "American Dream" for people irrespective of their race. Simply put, minorities don't want to share pie with other groups. They want their own. It's the government, particularly those representing the social elitists who have the rest of us fighting and clawing each other for 'our piece'."

Then why do you care if mexican's get their own pie? How does it hurt your cause? Shouldn't Mexican's get their pie too? Or should they just get their pie given to them by the people in power? What if the people in power were the black political leaders?

HC: This sounds awfully "government save us all" of you. If government monies were what solved social inequities, we wouldn't have any social inequities to solve.

To further my point, if the black powers that be were actually interested in equality for all races, and not just furthering their own agenda, then the black powers that be would want to help their mexican minority brothers, and not abandon them because it will decrease their monies, as you suggest they should do in this article.

Anonymous said...

Please forgive the extra apostrophes, I rewrote that sentence and failed to make Mexicans not possessive.

Andre said...

Will, just because people believe in the 'system' doesn't mean that the system actually performs adequately enough to meet people's belief systems. So sadly, we have to deal with reality and not with fantasy.

Fantasy: In this country, you work hard, live honestly, and remain faithful to your elected leaders and you'll secure the promises of the American dream.

Reality: Less than 10% of the population possess over 90% of the wealth; giving capitalists a grappling stronghold on the country. Your hard work, sacrifice, honest, and devotion to leaders goes for naught as you watch your communities deteriorate, your schools fall apart, and your jobs shipped away. Then, as your 'piece of the pie' gradually shrinks to a damn near microscopic size, the floodgates open with illegal immigrants.

By the way, Hippie: Let's not get in the habit of sharing our secret business deals on your blog. That includes any discussions about bribes, earmarks, or cash I'm stuffing away in our break room's freezer...

The H.C. said...

@ Will,
I don't think I ever said that they (social programs) cure anything, but there are times when they do help, especially when they're helping someone help themselves. I don't think that puts me in the "government save us all" camp. I've said before and I'll say it again, "Government help should be the suprise in the mist of helping yourself." There's nothing wrong with a hand up as long as it's not expected. As for the second part; it's the line of the Democratic Party that they're the path to betterment for blacks, if they buy into that then they should be pissed at having that reduced. I'm just trying to get people in line with their own philosophy, I'll let Andre defend whether or not it works, as he did.
@ Andre,
Sooooo, it's in the break room freezer.

Anonymous said...

MmmMmmm. I like pie.


The H.C. said...

Sorry. No pie for you this time around.

Andre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andre said...

HC: Though I believe in the merits of socialism, I'm not in the "government needs to save the world" group either (at least I tried not to be). But I do believe that they are beholden to the citizens who are victimized by the precipitating events directly related to the government's abusive and wealthy-favorable agendas. No: crime, teenage pregnancy, welfare, dropouts, etc. can be placed solely on the government. But f**ked up schools, job outsourcing, tax cuts for rich folks, etc. CAN be attributed to them.

*Checking the room for bugs and video surveillance while engaging in conversations with Hippie*

Anonymous said...

H.C. Said: "This is a very contentous subject and it's going to be argued long after any "solutions" are passed by our Congress."

H.C., thank's for allowing me to post. I see a few did not make it. ;) Anyway, you have very smart people posting here. :)

Although, like you, I think outside the box, I was selfish, I never thought about Black Folks taking a hit over this Amnesty crap, which was defeated in Congress. You're the man! However, most of us don't get the law.

Recently, here in the great State of Ohio in Butler County, the sheriff arrested many illegal aliens. And had to release them. Why? Because he didn't have "jurisdiction" to arrest them.
The illegals broke a Federal Law.
Not a state law.

So, any Federal Law granting Amnesty to illegals does not apply to the states unless those states adopt that law, and of course it will then become a state law.
Remember, we are (dual citizens).
One of the federal and one of the state.

The U.S. Congress can pass any Amnesty law they wish, but if an illegal is on state land, and that state has no Amnesty Law of their own, then that Federal Law does not apply.

Unless of course the U.S. Supreme Court say illegals have Amnesty.

Rod Ryker...
It is Reasoning and faith that bind truth.

The H.C. said...

Hey Rod,
Thanks for your input. I have a question. Doesn't Federal law usually supersede State law? I know there are some examples such as ponography laws that are determined by community standards as opposed to Federal law. Is it just case by case?

Anonymous said...

Hi H.C.
Federal Law applies only to Federal Citizens on Federal Land including Washington D.C.
So no, Federal Law doesn't supersede State law.
Only if The U.S. Supreme Court says so.

An another interesting bit of info is that no officer of a federal court or federal agency: FBI, IRS, etc. has legal jurisdiction outside of Washington D.C. ->
Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 72 of The U.S. Code states: "All offices attached to the seat of government shall be exercised in the District of Columbia, and not elsewhere, except as otherwise expressly provided by law."

Now if someone can point out a law that gives a Federal Agency jurisdiction in a state, please do so.

But they (pretend) they do all the time. And break the law doing so.

Say a U.S. Marshall is charged with serving a warrant on a person that lives on state land, the Marshall has to ask the local police or county sheriff to serve it. However, they do not have jurisdiction to do so.

Since the county sheriff is the highest law enforcement officer in the state, he can kick that U.S. Marshall out of his county if he so desire's. - Kewl, huh.

Take care.

Rod Ryker...
It is reasoning and faith that bind truth.

The H.C. said...

Thanks Rod,
I think you made a very important point when you said, "they do (it) all the time. And break the law doing so." Much like forfeiture laws are unconstitutional under the 4th Amendment and are still practiced anyway. We truly are in a Constitutional Crisis when we have a system where law enforcement practices clearly unconstitutional acts and then stops 10 or 12 years later when it finally makes it's way to the Supreme Court. Then to make matters worse, it isn't punished for it's transgressions. Afterwards, they merely rewrite the law and continue until the next time they're made to stop. What use is a Constitution if there isn't a real punishment of the government for violating it? Lawsuits aren't the answer as government only gets it's money from one That's like punching ourselves in the face as punishment for someone else kicking us. I'm leaning toward public floggings of officials who are found to institute policies they know are wrong. We could sell tickets and recoup some of our loses. (Only joking.....sort of.) Thanks again for your insight.

T.L. Winslow said...

Hi, I've just published an Internet broadcast article giving my proposed permanent satisfying solution to the so-called U.S.-Mexico border problem, which I think you'll all like. It's important that I get more people to read it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe its because I'm white but I think that everyone should get a chance no matter what color they are. This article is bullshit. Your life could be a lot worse if you were born anywhere else. you get the benefits of being American either because you were born here or you came here. Everyone should get the same chance.

Anonymous said...
