Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Posted in Uncategorized on July 31st, 2006
In the 1982 miniseries movie, World War III, the Soviet Union has invaded Alaska to disrupt the Alaskan Oil Pipeline. After attempts at diplomacy, the film ends with both the president of the United States and the president of the Soviet Union on the phone in a last ditch effort to avert all out war. They both agree to withdraw their troops and stand down their nuclear weapons, but after hanging up, both turn to their aids and call for a “first strike.” For most of us who lived through the Cold War, this is how we envisioned World War III starting, an altercation with the Soviet Union escalating beyond control. The reality of how it may actually come down though, is way different than most of us anticipated. As much as I hate to tell all of you, the wheels may well be turning towards something very few of us ever foresaw.
Since the rise of the original two-headed terrorist, Yassar Arafat, terrorist organizations around the world have discovered that America and most of the world is conflicted about how they view a minority group fighting against a controlling majority. Following Arafat’s lead, they now understand that the leftist news media (not to mention their own) will defend and justify them hiding weapons in civilian populations, beheading hostages, declaring war on the U.S., Britain, and Israel, and even killing other Muslims all because they have less power. The trick, they’ve learned, is to portray themselves as innocent victims of Imperialism to the press, while preaching destruction of Israel and the West inside their Mosques. If quoted, they claim it was out of context, if it’s proven in writing, they claim it was forged. If cornered, they claim we conspire to vilify them unjustly. The American and European masses, so prone to conspiracy theories, swallow their lies whole. They claim discrimination, and so sensitive are we to the accusation, that we bend over backwards to prove we’re not. In our effort to be the better people, we allow the mass murderers into our homes and near our children.
What’s even worse than the lies is that they hide behind a religion. With a Koran in one hand and a suicide belt in the other, they manipulate the poor, uneducated masses to do their bidding in the name of Allah. They challenge the religious tolerance of other countries while showing none whatsoever in countries they control. While demanding Mosques be built in Britain, the U.S., France, and all over the world, they burn down churches in Somalia, Sudan, and Indonesia. They have no one to answer to in the places they control, and kill anyone who dares to question them.
Their plan is a simple one. Infiltrate every country in the world, blend in with the population, and then fight a guerilla war from within, through terrorism. In the countries that support them, they get their funding through charitable organizations, or under the table from the government who then denies having anything to do with them. In unfriendly countries, the money is funneled to them through bank accounts filled from overseas. Whatever their funding, where ever they are placed, they have one completely unified goal. The destruction of Israel and the removal of western influence from Islamic people. This goal will never change, no matter what they say, or who they pretend to be.
I give people this analogy to try to help them understand what they’re up against. Think of them as ultra-right wing Christians, the ones at the far, far, right. Beyond Pat Robertson, who think it’s justifiable to blow up abortion clinics, or kill homosexuals. Now picture that there’s millions of them, and they want their beliefs to prevail over the whole earth because they don’t think they should have to suffer even seeing homosexuality, adultery, nudity or their perception of immorality. Now picture they’re completely willing to die for it. Are you still sympathizing?
By now your probably thinking,”Not all Muslims want to kill us, H.C., or force their religion on the whole world.” Well, I agree. The estimates I’ve read put the percent of Muslims that subscribe to this form of Islam at about 10%, but considering that 1.3 billion people in the world follow Islamic teachings that means that 130 million people are willing to die to destroy Israel and western influence. Also, since the majority of the remaining people would jump on the side of any Muslims if the fight were against Israel or Zionists, you could put the rest in the supporting column.
For those of us that think of war as country vs. country, the concept of fighting with an enemy that swears no allegiance to one country and hides among the populace is a little hard to fathom. Maybe that’s the reason some of the people I talk to don’t think we’re at war anywhere but Iraq or Afghanistan. Liberals, who tend to take the optimistic outlook on human nature, have a particularly hard time imagining an enemy who lives among us and still wants to destroy us. For them, they can’t imagine how someone could come to this country and not be overwhelmed by our freedom to be whoever you are. If anything, they believe people coming here would want even more freedom. The truth is they are repulsed by our freedoms. They view us as Godless and immoral, in their world, they’re doing you a favor by killing you and saving you from a life of decadence. I never could understand Liberals defending these radical religious nuts when they would be the first ones they would kill.
So, what can we do to stop WWIII? The answer to that is, unfortunately, not much. Your never going to get them to stop moving toward what they believe is their destiny. For them, a world war is only going to leave the U.S. and Israel weaker. (This, by the way, is the main reason China and Russia doesn’t support us in any of our attempts to stop it.) We also won’t have much luck killing off all the different terrorist organizations. As soon as we kill one, another appears in its place. Our attempts so far have been a disaster. All three of the “Axis of Evil” countries are now in worst shape than they were the day G.W. declared them as such, and Iran and North Korea are now supporting terrorism openly. With the new front opening up in Southern Lebanon, Israel is being drawn into the war at the timing of Hezbollah. Every day that Hezbollah kills Jews with their new weaponry, the terrorists become emboldened. The word on Arab Street is that the terrorists have succeeded in stopping the most powerful country on Earth in Iraq and that they have shown Israel that the price of war will now be paid by both sides. This can not be a good thing for us. Technology is now theirs for the grabbing with only the price of a laptop, and it is showing in all their methods. Terrorists, who once prayed for an automatic rock-thrower, are now looking at biological and even Nuclear weapons. The clock has now begun ticking, and it’s only a matter of when, not if, one will be detonated.
Our only hope is for all of us to finally understand our enemy and to be as committed as he is. Whatever our methods, we need to once and for all understand this one truth; WE ARE AT WAR, and our commitment to stopping terrorism has to be as resolved as those that seek to destroy us. H.C.
“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.”

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